Sunday, April 26, 2009

New interview

I got the chance to have a talk with Joe Muhammad recently. He is in a wheelchair and was a big part of his neighborhood security. Neighborhood security is basically people walking around making sure everything is OK in their neighborhoods at night during the zombie war. He told me much about his life as a neighborhood security guard. He says it is sort of like the military, he even had a gun. What I found most interesting was what he told me about quislings. They are people who don't have the zombie virus that give up trying to fight and join the zombies. They psychologically think that they are zombies. He had to tell them apart from zombies by shining a light in there face and if they blinked they are quislings and if they didn't ..... When he first encountered one it bit his friend and he put a bullet in its head. His friend was getting readdy to put himself down when Joe noticed there was blood running down the quislings face. 

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