Saturday, April 25, 2009

Interview with "Mercenary"

My latest interview was with T. Sean Collins. The word that can most closely describe his job is a mercenary. he was hired by very famous celebrities from rappers to profesional atheletes. When he was staying in this super teched out house, with his employer, that was specificaly designed to keep the zombie hordes away from the people inside, a massive group of refugees tried to break into the house to get shelter from the zombies. The house was being projected live 24/7 throughout the entire world, which is there fault here because thats how the refugees knew to go there for shelter. Mr. Collins fled from the premisise immediately after fights started breaking out because he said, "I was hired to protect from zombies, not refugees."

1 comment:

Alex Higgins said...

T. Sean Collins is probably one the rawest people that has been interviewed in the book so far. I found it interesting that he would only shoot at zombies and not the people rushing the compound he was staying at with all of the celebrities.