Friday, April 17, 2009

interview with doctor

The other night I had the pleasure of interviewing a very famous doctor, Fernando Oliveira, who had a very interesting experience with the walking plague. He had a patient who had a heart transplant and the heart had the virus that causes the people to get the disease. He left right after the surgery and when he got a call saying the patient went into a coma he hurried back to the hospital. When he arrived one of the nurses was covered in blood and the door to the patients’ room was being banged on from the inside. Apparently the doctor he worked with was bitten. He went to his car to get his gun. When he got back he opened the door and the ground was covered with blood and the patient was eating the doctor. The now zombie patient stood up and started moving towards Fernando but before he got to him Fernando blew the zombies head off. His partners covered it up telling the other worried patients it was part of a homicidal maniacs killing spree. What I don’t understand is why they had to cover it up from the other patients with another story. Also Why was the nurse covered in blood if she was in fact was not bitten by the zombie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, the nurse was next to Silva, who was bitten so blood might have squirted on her. And she also fought back, nearly getting bitten herself. So she could have easily gotten blood on herself.