Saturday, April 18, 2009

interview with jacob nyathi

Last night I had the pleasure of interviewing Jacob Nyathi. He is from South Africa, and he told me about his experience with the zombie war first outbreaks. He was walking to his house after work one day and he started to here gunshots. When he figured out that everybody was running away he started to run back to his house to get his family but unfortunately he ran right into the first couple of zombies. There were fifteen of them and one big one got into a fight with him. Jacob won the fight but he still had to get away. The police shot him in the shoulder on accident and he woke up in a hospital with everyone arguing. Some people were arguing that it is just rabies. I completely disagree with that thought because rabies makes carnivores bite things humans don’t bite people when they have it, also I don’t think rabies makes you spill out brown fluid instead of blood. 

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