Sunday, May 10, 2009

interview about immense battle

My latest interview with Todd Wainio is very action packed. It is about a battle, similar to yonkers, but it was won by the humans. Todd told me all about the new army. They had all new training, all new weapons, all new stratedgies to fight the zach this time. The calculations were that everyone would have to take out a zombie about every second to win and they won. The people on the front line were shooting and the sandlers behind them were in charge of reloading there empty clips. The battle lasted fifteen hours and when the soldiers got sloppy they had replacements step in for a five minute break. In the end the mass of dead zombies was twenty feet high and one hundred feet long all around them. 

"Total war"

I most recently talked with a man named Genera D'Ambrosia who is part of the CIC (Combat Information Center.) he tells me his beliefs about zombie warfare. he tells me that there was two million zombies in the world. He also tell me that every army has to have 3 things deone to them. They have to be bred, fed, and led. The have to have some sort of training, supplies, and led by some type of authoritive figure. he also says that humans are incapable of commiting "total war". All of us cant be waging war every second oof warfare. We have to eat and sleep and etc. Zombies on the other hand need nothing. They need no weapons, food, water, ammo, sleep, even air to breath they just have one mission, destroy the human race.  

new interview

My latest interview was with Terry Knox; Terry was an Australian commander and the only Australian commander on the international space station. This space station is one of the greatest marvels in human engineering. It had been made by sixteen different countries and it took over ten years. It was so big it could be seen from earth with the naked eye.  The mission of all of the crew on board the ISS was to fix broken satellites and keep them in orbit. When the crew was stranded in this station they had plenty of oxygen and water but only twenty seven months worth of food. What was really interesting about this man’s journey in space is what they did up there to pass the time. They would listen to radio free earth, the same songs over and over again, sleep, exercise, or watch hopeless victims of the zombie war. He told me many stories about what he saw through the American spy birds. He told me about how he watched people getting murdered and other things like zombies digging in the ground to catch burrowing animals. They got home from a jet they found on  a Chinese space station. If you were in his situation what would you do to pass the time by? 

Sunday, May 3, 2009

new interview

In my most recent interview sensei Tomonaga I learned all about this blind bomb survivors challenges as he goes by himself up into the mountains and fights off zombies with his long walking stick. His struggle with his blindness, escaping the zombies, and suicidal thoughts brought him to realize that the Spirits had brought him to become blind for a reason. For me the reason the spirits caused all of this to happen was because they wanted him to take care of Japan when it was abandoned. What did all of you readers get from this story?

Intense story

My interview with Colonel Christina Eliopolis was very interesting. She was a military pilot and she devoted her life to becoming an expert pilot and fighting for her country. Then the Walking plague came along and the thing she had devoted her life to became “strategically invalid.” You see the cost to put one plane up and fill it with gas and give it missiles could be used to buy supplies for a squad of men that could kill one thousand as many zombies. This pissed her off. She was a naturally angry person always fighting for what she believed in. One day there plane went down, and she landed somewhere in the swampy wilderness of southern Louisiana. She told me many stories of her fighting of Zack and her survival techniques as she got to the freeway and was saved by a chopper. But what was really weird about her story was that she was talking to a sky watcher named METS over her radio and she saved her life. After it all blew over they figured out that there wasn’t a skywatcher in the area she was in and nobody lived around there and ….. her radio broke after the fall from the plane. What are your opinions readers on what you think was happening here.

New interview

In my latest interview with David Allen Forbes I recieve a story about how he and many others survived the zombie war. His choice of survival method was to stay in a castle, The Windsor castle to be precise. He said it was perfect because they had huge storage rooms big enough to hold a ton of food, and top of the line defenses. They also had medieval hand weapons for when there ammo ran out. For reasons unknown he refers to the zombies as “zed heads.” He informed me that in winter while the zombies were frozen he and everyone else would go and loot near by towns for supplies and food. All you readers out there if you were in the war right now what would your method of survival be?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

New interview

I got the chance to have a talk with Joe Muhammad recently. He is in a wheelchair and was a big part of his neighborhood security. Neighborhood security is basically people walking around making sure everything is OK in their neighborhoods at night during the zombie war. He told me much about his life as a neighborhood security guard. He says it is sort of like the military, he even had a gun. What I found most interesting was what he told me about quislings. They are people who don't have the zombie virus that give up trying to fight and join the zombies. They psychologically think that they are zombies. He had to tell them apart from zombies by shining a light in there face and if they blinked they are quislings and if they didn't ..... When he first encountered one it bit his friend and he put a bullet in its head. His friend was getting readdy to put himself down when Joe noticed there was blood running down the quislings face.