Sunday, May 10, 2009

new interview

My latest interview was with Terry Knox; Terry was an Australian commander and the only Australian commander on the international space station. This space station is one of the greatest marvels in human engineering. It had been made by sixteen different countries and it took over ten years. It was so big it could be seen from earth with the naked eye.  The mission of all of the crew on board the ISS was to fix broken satellites and keep them in orbit. When the crew was stranded in this station they had plenty of oxygen and water but only twenty seven months worth of food. What was really interesting about this man’s journey in space is what they did up there to pass the time. They would listen to radio free earth, the same songs over and over again, sleep, exercise, or watch hopeless victims of the zombie war. He told me many stories about what he saw through the American spy birds. He told me about how he watched people getting murdered and other things like zombies digging in the ground to catch burrowing animals. They got home from a jet they found on  a Chinese space station. If you were in his situation what would you do to pass the time by? 

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